Fleming responds to social media claims: No fee increase


BANK South Pacific (BSP) chief executive officer Robin Fleming has responded to claims on social media that there has been no increase in bank charges.
Fleming was responding to queries from The National regarding claims on social media that the bank had increased its service fees.
“The posts on social media are not correct and no fees have been increased nor has there been any increase for over six years with many fees having been reduced or eliminated over that time,” Fleming said.
“One of the customers who made a post was referring to fees for mini statements which showed on the receipt posted on social media as K4.20.
“The account in question is one of our smart business accounts for SMEs (small and medium enterprises) and the fee for a mini statement at an ATM (automated teller machine) is 60 toea.
“The fees for these mini statements for the smart business accounts are charged once a month and the customer obtained seven mini statements during the course of the month hence a fee of K4.20 at the end of the month.
The same applied for the balance inquiry fee which was stated as K3 but which comprised six different enquiries at 50t each.
“There was also comment about the cost of a statement in the branch of K10 which is not correct.
“BSP removed this fee in 2018 which was not automated and was collected manually.
“If any customer is still being charged a fee for a statement in branch they can contact myself and the charge will be investigated.”
Fleming said the bank had waived most of its fees as well as lowered some of them since 2015 and continues to review its fees.
He added that BSP did not intend to increase any fees in the event there was a banking tax increase which the Government intends on imposing.