Fleming says security an issue for BSP in rural areas


BANK South Pacific Financial Group Ltd (BSP) chief executive officer Robin Fleming says security continues to be an issue for the bank in rural and remote areas of Papua New Guinea
Fleming told The National that the bank’s Ialibu sub-branch remained closed after numerous break-ins.
“Henganofi was recently broken into and is closed pending discussion with the community and our ATMs (automated teller machines) can also be subject to vandalism from time to time,” he said.
“Kerema is targeted to reopen in September after almost nine months of closure since a break in and robbery. The cost to BSP can vary and will depend on the cash stolen and the extent of damage by criminals during the break-in.
“As these sub-branches are in remote locations and are very much a service to the community, BSP looks to the community to provide support and protection of its sub-branches and our staff to ensure ongoing continuity of services to the our customers,” Fleming said.
“Absent that support, repeated instances of criminal activity can result in the closure of the service which will affect businesses and individuals in those communities.”
Fleming said BSP would conduct regular visits to its branches in remote and rural areas of PNG as part of its proactive monitoring to better understand local issues and ensure support from head office was being provided.
He said the sub-branches would be visited by branch managers and would involve added costs, logistics as well as time but would be worthwhile.