Floodwaters hit residents

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MORE than 100 people were affected by floodwaters last week that caused extensive damage to properties at Gerehu Stage One, Port Moresby.
This was caused by the elevated 9 Mile-Gerehu Road that blocked water from draining out properly, affected resident John Kerenga said.
“Last week, it rained for about 30 minutes and the whole place was flooded, affecting 10 houses along the 9 Mile-Gerehu Road,” Kerenga said. “The place always floods in the rainy season, but this was the worst because of the new road.
“Rain water can’t drain away because the road has been built higher then the houses, and is like a dam that blocks the water and causes it to rise.
“The drainage is too small to cater for the rain and we are affected.
“The flood has caused damage to properties, especially low houses, and vehicles are not running.
“Some of the houses have had power disconnected because PNG Power said the house wiring was a risk after the flood.
“We, as a community, have lost a lot from this.”
The issue was raised with National Capital District Commission and the contractors during the construction stage but drainage was not planned for, Kerenga said.
“We have raised this with NCD Governor Powes Parkop and with the contractor, Chinese Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC), but they have failed to listen and now we are suffering,” he said
“The place we live in is sloped and we raised concerns when they were building the road, but nothing was done.
“Now, with the rain, it has really ruined our lives.
“The road was built up high and now, the water has been blocked, and will continue to flood us every time it rains.
“The next time if it rains longer, it will be much worse”
Kerenga said the community wanted Parkop, Moresby North-West MP Sir Mekere Morauta and contractor CHEC to look into the matter.