Former leader setting an example


FORMER Maprik MP and Agriculture minister John Simon is setting a precedent as a businessman by going into downstream coffee processing.
You have now set a new pathway for former MPs.
This is inspiring and encouraging because the agriculture policies that you have advocated in your last term of Parliament are put into practice to show how other people could band together to grow and expand an industry.
He has gone into coffee buying from local farmers and processing into finished coffee product.
This is putting money into people’s pocket, creating employment and small to medium enterprises (SMEs) to emerge from income earned from selling parchment coffee at good market price of K5/kg and more for maximum return to the coffee farmer.
The other point is that it is cheaper to set up factories off-shore and processes our coffee and other primary products.
This is a breakthrough in business processes for Papua New Guineans to contribute to the economic development of our country.
The extractive industry accounts for about 80 per cent of all export revenue earnings but nonrenewable resources will most likely run out in less than 50 years.
What is next after all the potentially existing extractive industries are depleted in bear future.
Agriculture is the way forward to counter balance the revenue ratio when nonrenewable resources run out.
To former and current MPs, it’s worth noting your former colleague John Simon is pursuing his dreams.
We preach over and over about SME to our people, but the people do not have the resources, connections and exposure to advance market economies to manufacture local products and trade abroad to lucrative markets.
The former Parliamentarians should start going onto business to lead particularly in downstream processing because your voters still see you as their leader.
From a business standpoint, it is more relaxed, stress free and comfortable life with the resources and connection at your disposal.
Create SMEs and link to your former voters to do likewise, instead of expecting handouts from your successor (current MP) .

Philip Ukuni