Forum Square dirtiest place


AS part my fundamental environmental science (FES) course assessment, I worked (mainly cleaning, assisting the cleaner) at Forum Square for two months.
It is one of the best places but it is also the dirtiest place at the UPNG campus, Port Moresby.
I worked there twice a week in the morning or in the afternoon, depending on my timetable.
Throughout my observations and data analysis, I found that 95 per cent of the rubbish were betel nut husks and cigarette butts.
I put up posters in an attempt to make people aware of the problem, but people did not care.
The place seems to be forever filthy and an informal marketplace for the sale of betel nuts, cigarettes and even drugs.
We have no respect for our cleaner.
We have an attitude problem, especially men and boys.
Forum square is the heart of UPNG because a lot of activities like graduations take place there.
The UPNG administration and all of us have to work together to eradicate this problem of pollution in the area.
Are we going to carry this pollution problem over to next year?
Everyone knows that UPNG is the country’s premier university, so we have to lead by example.
Thanks to everyone who participated, obeyed and did the right thing with their rubbish during those two months.
I suggest the university imposes a total ban on betel nut on campus and for the Uni-Force to monitor people at Forum Square daily.

Betani Ruhup
(FES student @UPNG)