Foundation launches website to promote community work


THE WeCARe Foundation launched its website in Port Moresby last month, according to programme manager Josephine Dromenege.
The foundation is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) which was established over a decade ago and provides care and support for women and children at risk.
Dromenege said the foundation was pleased to have its own website which would promote its work in underprivileged communities and services to their vulnerable members.
“This is a step forward to increase our public image and also to share our stories with the rest of the country,” she said.
“The foundation is a charity NGO and operates on donations and grants from organisations such as the Digicel Foundation, PricewaterhousCoopers, Exxon Mobil, Monian PNG Ltd, JP McManus, De La Salle Brothers, Michael Brosan and Roy and Joan Smith.”
Dromenege heads the foundation with the support of four staff members operating at La Salle Technical College in Hohola.
It run programmes in Port Moresby and Lae on early childhood centres, women empowerment, people with special needs and educational support programmes.
She said the organisation partnered with individuals Digicel Foundation, Word Vision PNG, Child Fund PNG, Medecins Sans Frontieres, Ginigoada Foundation, Cheshire disAbility Centre and Rosary Sisters (Lae) to run community programmes targeting women and children. She said they were grateful to e-Lojiks information services, a local freelancing service based in Port Moresby to set up the website.