Friends to all and enemies to none


EXISTING conflicts and tensions between superpowers in the region can potentially destabilise the country.
It is therefore important for Papua New Guinea politicians to maintain neutrality and avoid getting involved in these conflicts.
Superpower conflicts often involve major global players such as the United States, China and Russia.
All of these countries have a significant presence and interests in the region, and any disputes or clashes can greatly impact smaller countries like PNG.
As such, politicians in PNG must resist the temptation to take sides and instead develop policies that prioritise the country’s stability and security.
One way for politicians to maintain neutrality is by avoiding overt political or military alliances with any of the major powers.
PNG may be viewed as a strategically important country by some superpowers, and they may seek to exert their influence by offering military aid or economic incentives.
However, politicians must not be swayed by such offers, as they may lead the country down a path that is significantly detrimental to its interests.
Another crucial aspect is to maintain diplomatic relations with all parties involved.
PNG must follow a non-aligned foreign policy and not risk souring its relationships with any of the conflicting parties. Good diplomatic ties can provide a buffer against external pressures and allow PNG to maintain some degree of autonomy in its decision-making processes.
Politicians should also actively seek to mediate any disputes that arise between superpowers within the region.
PNG has a unique advantage in being seen as a neutral mediator by other countries, and it can leverage this position to de-escalate tensions whenever possible.
Mediating disputes can be a powerful tool for promoting stability and preventing violence, and it can lead to stronger regional partnerships that benefit all parties involved.
PNG politicians must prioritise the country’s interests by maintaining neutrality and avoiding involvement in superpowers conflicts.
They must resist the temptation to take sides, develop non-aligned foreign policies, maintain diplomatic relations with all parties, and actively seek to mediate disputes.

Abel ToPidik Rudolf