Fund starts social media drive


NASFUND superannuation is gearing towards its biggest social media drive to be launched starting next week, on Wednesday.
This is in line with its primary focus this year which according to chief executive officer Rajeev Sharma is to increase awareness on superannuation through educational programmes.
Sharma said the six-month drive will ensure increased information is shared through social media for basic education and awareness, so members are better informed on the purpose of superannuation contributions, the benefits and how to contribute.
He said as per this agenda, at least seven videos in English have already been released, with its Tok Pisin versions soon to follow.
He said they had also started talking to their prospective members.
“Our first presentation was in the schools, where we talked to grades 11 and 12 students,” Sharma said.
“We said that once you get into any form of employment, you should ask your employer to contribute because if you start early, you will have more benefit.”
Sharma said another important step in its awareness campaign was having direct audience with employers to identify areas of need.

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