Good one NCDC, but there’s more to be done


OUR thanks go to the National Capital District Commission and the NCD Governor Powes Parkop for the drive to stop the sales of betel nut (buai) in undesignated sites in the city.
The bus stops in Port Moresby look cleaner and freer of young people loitering in the area around them.
For the first time in months, we are able to breathe fresh air and avoid stepping on buai spittle everywhere.
Hohola bus stop, which was taken over by betel nut vendors, is now serving the purpose for which it was built.
Keep up the good effort NCDC.
However, please have your guards manning the bus stops on weekends too, not just on week days.
Some betel nut vendors defy the rules and sell on Saturday at Hohola.
I suggest that NCDC do more than just handing out the green vests to youths who are manning the bus stops.
Train them well, give them proper uniforms and tell them, they should not be sleeping in the bus stop stands.
Educate the city guards/rangers also on the proper way to approach people. They have to be taught to speak properly to people, not shout threats and use weapons such as sticks.
NCDC is doing a good job but that is just the beginning. More can be done to improve the look in the capital city of the nation.
The next thing will be to work with the Road Transport Division and other authorities to improve the type of bus service we have in the city.
We don’t need buses that are un-roadworthy and drivers and crew who chew betel nut and smoke cigarettes while ferrying members of the public.
It would be nice to have the Health Department get on board this also to improve the standard of services in the city.
Having just one bus company managing the main PMV bus routes in the city is a good place to start.
Port Moresby is the capital of PNG and is one of the largest cities in the Pacific and let us do things properly.

For a safer Moresby, Via email