Government challenged


WHOSE interests is the Government of Papua New Guinea serving?
Are they serving the interests of the people or the interests of various developers and politicians themselves?
For example, look at the number of foreigners flooding into streets and even rural areas in PNG.
Is this how we promote small and medium-sized enterprises in our country?
The top-down theory of planning development in PNG is not for the people.
We need to work on a participatory basis for the good our people.
If you are a politician, remember that you were elected by people and you must be in your district and not in Port Moresby.
You must identify the needs of your people and not stay in Port Moresby and aligning your development plans with that of the national government.
These plans are all fruitless as whose needs are they trying to priorities?
Are we working for the interest of the people in this nation, or after money and wealth?
The people in our districts are crying.
Only God knows their problems and not their political leader.
Their tears are being counted and those responsible will be dealt as in the Bible.
Your days are numbered.

Linny Lemos
PNG Unitech