Government keen to improve public service

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The Government is keen on improving the entire public service system, Minister Elias Kapavore says.
The minister for public service had a briefing with the Personnel Management Department executives yesterday.
He told them that incorporating values of moral and ethical leadership was important in becoming responsible, accountable and passionate about delivering service to the people.
“Actually passionate is a word that touches the heart, I want everyone to do things properly and become concerned about PNG,” Kapavore told them.
He said the challenge of being ethical was getting those values to the provincial administrators and district CEOs and to the middle management levels.
“We are talking about core values and strategies here at the national agencies, how do we get these important values to public servants out in the rural areas?”
Kapavore said that could be done by incorporating those values in some of the courses at the PNG Institute of Public Administration.
He said it was time to review what was not  working.
“The National Health Service Commission, for example, when the health staff are going to be at the district level, is it necessary to have a commission at the national level?”
“These are a few things that we can start thinking about as we move forward so that we can streamline some of these areas and allocate the resources where it matters,” Kapavore said.
“We need to look at areas that have duplications in the structures.
“We need to identify some of these areas and do some reforms so that we can improve efficiencies, productivity and getting
results that are needed by the government.”