Governor suggests review of land alienation

Francis Maneke

THERE should be a review of the land alienation during colonial times, says West New Britain Governor Francis Maneke.
“We must not complain but as a government we must review the land alienation during colonial times. We must review land arrangement done during colonial times,” he said in a statement
He said decentralisation was also another important issue.
“For effective delivery of services, we want to attract as much as possible development partners so that we can be aligned to our national agencies,” he said.
“The minimal resources we have in this province we cannot deliver to all.
“We must share resources in terms of finance.
“For this province, I see there is no proper alignment in how we give our resources to the government and the benefits.
“For example, the forestry sector.
“All royalties and levies are delivered to Port Moresby. We as the province that own resource do not benefit.
“Decentralisation will only work properly if we ID these areas and realign so that what resources we have, in terms of finance remain in the lower level of government and the rest to the national government.”

One thought on “Governor suggests review of land alienation

  • Laughed out loud at Governor.
    His province was raped by SABL scam and its clear fell logging where WNB land is alienated for 99 years!!!!

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