Governor wants report on referendum


GULF Governor Chris Haiveta says Parliament should be fully informed of the progress made on Bougainville leading up to the referendum later this year.
Speaking during debate on the Bougainville referendum presented by Bougainville Affairs Minister Sir Puka Temu, Haiveta asked where the report was regarding the autonomy.
He said before Oct, when the referendum was to take place, Parliament should be fully informed.
Haiveta questioned the timely release of funds and how much money was owed to Bougainville by the State.
He questioned the transfer of powers from government departments to the Autonomous Bougainville Government and if there were financial audits carried out.
“Minister, it’s your obligation to show to Parliament what has happened so we can make a decision,” Haiveta told Sir Puka.
“You mentioned about weapons disposal but what is the percentage and how much still remains?
“Assessment of social conditions, health indicators, social indicators, education and human development indicators, where are these information?”
Haiveta said it was the Government’s responsibility to report to Parliament for MPs to make decisions.
“We must be fully informed so we can make a conscious decision on the two questions, greater autonomy or independence.
“If there was a vote on the floor of parliament, I would not be able to vote because I haven’t been fully informed to make that decision and exercise my democratic right as a leader.”