Govt to give disaster report to parliament


PRIME Minster Peter O’Neill told Parliament that an independent report from experts on the earthquake disaster in five provinces was now available and would be presented to Parliament.
O’Neill, in a report to Parliament yesterday on the Highlands earthquake emergency response, said the report was carried out by experts from Australia following calls from various organisations and individuals for such a report.
“I’m certain that some of the conclusions of the independent report may not be necessary to the satisfaction of everyone because everyone has their own theory about the disaster and how the earthquake has come about,” O’Neill said.
“I’ve deliberately asked the Australian government to carry out that report independently but if that does not satisfy our people, then we can look for a second independent report as and when necessary.”
O’Neill had announced in March this year that an independent team of experts from Australia would investigate and review the cause of the earthquake.
He said there was no proof that the disaster was linked to the oil and gas projects in the area.
Due to the ongoing calls for proper investigation, he had requested Australia to provide the experts.
The experts had released the report to O’Neill to present Parliament.
He said he did not want people to think that it was a compromised report as the government .