Grade 12s set for written expressions exam


ABOUT 26,000 Grade 12 students are scheduled to sit their examinations today.
They start with written expressions.
Acting Education Secretary Dr Uke Kombra said students from the 155 secondary schools around the country would sit the examination for three hours from 8am.
He said students were issued resource books on which examinations would be based.
“The dispatching of the booklets was done on time by the Measurement Services Division and they have reached all the 155 secondary schools in the country,” Kombra said.
He clarified that written expression was part of language and literature and that applied English subjects at secondary level was worth 30 per cent of marks.
“The 70 per cent will come from the final examinations that will be held in October,” Kombra said.
“So the written expression is most important as the main examination that would be conducted later.”
He also requested all students to refrain from cheating.
“I am urging all students to refrain from cheating the exams.”