Growers in Yangoru-Saussia urged to maintain quality


THE majority of cocoa growers in East Sepik’s Yangoru-Saussia district who still ferment or dry their wet cocoa beans using sunlight have been affected by the prolonged wet weather.
Ricky Hemani, from Holik, who buys and sells wet and dry cocoa beans, says most cocoa growers are now fermenting their own beans but are struggling with the wet weather which has prevented beans from drying quickly. “Due to the rainy period, it takes a week to have the beans fully dried while during dry season it takes about three days,” he said.
Hemani said following the increase in cocoa prices, every household was now fermenting their own cocoa beans using sunlight to avoid labour-intensive fire-dry process. Villagers no longer look for buyers like past years where they would all sell their wet-beans to one buyer.
“Growers rushing to make money using the sun-dry method results in some of the cocoa beans being under-fermented, affecting cocoa quality.”
Hemani added that the wet beans should be fermented in a box until dried before exposing them to sunlight but people were doing bag and canvas fermentation when the beans were still wet.
“Some growers are using broken canvas and bags and when it is exposed to water the beans are degraded and don’t retain the scent and may take on mold.
“The Cocoa Board should continue its yearly inspection as there are many illegal fermenters who are doing bag fermentation without a licence and many operate without renewing their licences.”