Gulf-SHP Highway set to open next month


THE missing link Gulf to Southern Highlands Highway road project is set to open next month, an official says.
The road from Pawabi in Sembirigi to Walo village (about 12km) in Erave is now connected with the completion of finery and earthworks undertaken by Civpac Construction.
Chief and leader in Polopa region and also the Civpac public relations officer Stanley Kopono said locals were preparing for the opening.
“It’s about bringing the light after 45 years of independence and move over during the colonial era, this section of the road from Kikori to Erave was the main track used for service delivery by missionaries and kiaps,” he said. Kopono said it was a relief for the people of Polopa, Sembirigi, Yanguri and Marorogo in Kagua-Erave to witness the connecting of the road.
He said the opening was set for Dec 6 and would see communities in the district come together to celebrate the completion of the road and the Government’s 2050 vision.
He acknowledged the province’s leaders, including former governor late Anderson Aigiru, former prime minister Peter O’Neill and Prime Minister James Marape for their efforts in facilitating the completion of the road.
Road opening organising committee coordinator Ali Hondi said the completion would unify the people of Gulf and Southern Highlands. He said land disputes and issues had delayed the progress of the work.
Hondi said the event would highlight the districts’ plans and ambitions moving forward with other development initiatives, including the Erave airport, Kagua to Kikori road sealing and Wolu to Mt Tawa road projects.
“We will be placed in the centre of the economic corridor with other major projects, the second Papua LNG and proposed Kikori main port or wharf,” he said.
Hondi said Marape, Governor William Powi, Governor Chris Haiveta Governor and Kagua-Erave MP Wesley Raminai as well as other dignitaries were invited to the opening.