Hanuabada throws support behind World Vision clean-up

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HUNDREDS of Hanuabada residents participated in a clean-up campaign organised by World Vision.
The annual event comes under World Vision’s Hanuabada Water and Healthy Life Project funded by New Zealand.
The project aimed to improve the health of the people of Hanuabada, said World Vision country director Heather McLeod.
“We are child-focused and we want to help communities protect the health and well-being of children by ensuring that the environment they live in is clean and safe,” she said.
“This is our third annual clean-up and every year we see increasing support and participation from the villagers, leaders, government partners and businesshouses. This is a clear demonstration of collective action at the community level.”
Project coordinator Michael Koini said the annual event covered Laurabada, Lahara, Elevala, Gabi and Mirigini.