Health facility boost through project

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A new health programme under the Rural Health Project will be piloted in a rural village in Garaina, Morobe.
The Health department’s Community Health Post project will see the first single building that will house a heath centre and an aid post in Au village of Waria Valley in Garaina.
The assistant health inspector to Bulolo district Philip Ware said Morobe was chosen by the department among eight other provinces to pilot the project.
“The CHP would not just be an aid post but have a set-up and structure of health center in it, in rural villages around the country,” said Ware.
He said Biaru and Garasa in Garaina will be piloting the project in Morobe.
Recently provincial health division officers conducted awareness about the project in the Garasa area for two weeks.
The health team conducted training on community-led total sanitation in Garasa villages of Wakaia, Posaro, Au, Aro Motete, Muniba, Titio, Tiaqura and Korepa.
Ware said the training was basically about sanitation, for villagers to have proper toilets and pig fencing.
“Pigs dig up ground and disturb clean water sources and cause the spread of diseases if let to roam freely in villages,” said Ware.
The team also conducted leadership training, village inspections and carried out a water system survey.