Health, personal development a priority: Official


WOMEN who attended a workshop in Moresby’s South Electorate were told to prioritise personal health through regular check-ups.
Moresby South Joint District Budget and Priority Committee women’s representative Rose Kagua encouraged the women to surround themselves with supportive peers and view challenges as opportunities for growth.
She and others during the Port Moresby South Women’s Joint Development Programme and Ward Leaders Pilot Women’s Rights Awareness Workshop spoke about investing in women leaders to accelerate progress and strive for continual improvement.
Geua Kekeha, the women’s desk representative for wards and communities, led participants through a thought-provoking brainstorming exercise on the topic “What is your Expectation as a Women’s Association Representative/ Leader?”
The session aimed to encourage self-analysis and foster a deeper understanding of the expectations and aspirations of women leaders within their communities.
Another highlight of the workshop was a joint segment presented by Lisa Favave and Josephine Peter, Women’s Community Facilitator for Ward Four, Moresby South. Peter engaged participants in discussions on various topics, including basic people skills, taking into account cultural sensitivities.
The content was tailored to echo with the diverse backgrounds of the women who attended the workshop, ensuring maximum engagement and comprehension.
The workshop, which coincided with the International Women’s Day, introduced new initiatives, including the Sisters to Sisters network and tailored insurance packages designed to support small and medium-sized enterprise women in their projects.
Additionally, the women engaged in discussions on women’s role as human rights defenders and explored topics such as personal identity and the Johari Window framework.