Health system needs financing, investment


INVESTMENT in health is not only a desirable, but also an essential priority for most societies.
However, our health systems face tough and complex challenges, in part derived from new pressures, such as ageing populations, growing prevalence of chronic illnesses including the procurement and distribution of medical supplies.
World health reports have always pointed out three fundamental objectives of health systems – improving the health of the populations they serve, responding to people’s expectations and providing financial protection against costs due to illness.
PNG’s healthcare system is outlined in the National Health Plan 2011-20, which places emphasis on the provision of basic care for the country’s poor and rural population.
The policy is to ensure that healthcare is free or break even with the intention of making it affordable for everyone.
Healthcare is an essential human need and as such it composes part of the public debate and policy as to how best it can be provided.
The implementation of the free healthcare policy was supposed to have been made available right throughout the country more efficiently and effectively.
However, the availability of the healthcare services in the country has been negated by a number of factors including the lack of specialist doctors and equipment, high cost of receiving certain types of healthcare services like tumour operations, poor procurement
process and lack of stock and capacity.
When the above factors are apparently affecting the delivery of the healthcare services in the country, it is indeed unrealistic and appalling to divulge into the continuous media rhetoric that the so-called “free healthcare policy” is working in the country.
For sure it is not working as shown by the common process for almost all healthcare facilities throughout the country to ration medical drugs and aids and to prescribe medications and then turn patients away to private pharmacies.
The Coronavirus (Covid-19) has today turned our health system almost upside down with health workers going beyond the extra mile with the limited medical supplies they have access to.
Much of the work needs to be undertaken to providing policymakers with the evidence they need to promote more value for money in the health sector, while ensuring universal access, equity and raising quality of care.
A basic message has emerged: investments in health and the design of health financing policies should be addressed in terms of the interaction between health and the economy.
Health performance and economic performance are interlinked.
Just as growth, income, investment and employment are a function of the performance and quality of the economic system, its regulatory frameworks, trade policies, social capital and labour markets, etc, so health conditions (mortality, morbidity, disability) depend not just on standards of living, but on the actual performance of health systems themselves.
Policy choices cannot be taken lightly. Health systems need financing and investment to improve their performance.
The criticisms are not levelled at the concept of providing free health services but the consequences of implementing the policy in the context of a poorly functioning health system.
The all-out effort now to stop or control the spread of the Covid-19 is a wake-up call for everyone to make the health sector a priority.
We have written in past editorials and will bring this up again hoping that after the 2022 National
General Election, all health ministers (if we have) should be
someone with a medical background.
It is time to start talking to people on the ground rather than at Waigani to really understand the situation on the ground.
We have learned a lot, though there is more to discover.