Hela to pass compo bill

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HELA will pass a legislation next year to determine compensation payments for those killed in tribal fights, according to Governor Francis Potape.
He said the province needed tougher laws plus more police visibility.
“The Hela government will pass the Inter-group Fighting Act in January,” Potape said.
“We will determine what should be the compensation, how much will be the compensation, or no compensation (to be paid) for anybody killed in a tribal fight.
“Tribal fights in the province have got nothing to do with politics.
“The unity of leaders at all levels will certainly help restore peace and normalcy in the areas faster.”
Two months ago, the provincial government paid K1 million as allowance for police, and law and order committee members to resolve nine tribal fights.
Potape said some of those involved in the tribal fights were public servants and leaders who should surrender themselves to police.
The National Executive Council approved a call-out operation costing K11 million for the province on Thursday.
Prime Minister Peter O’Neill said internal disputes were impacting law and order in the province.
“Police will have full powers to ensure law and order, and deal with people who cause trouble,” he said.
“This includes the arrest of people seeking to initiate violent acts or make threats against Government officials or projects in the province.
“Hela has enormous potential for development and the improvement of service delivery.”