Hela woman mother of 6 sits for Fode Grade 12 examination


A MOTHER of six with eight grandchildren from Hela, Tari-Pori, Southern Highland will join other Flexible Open and Distant Education (Fode) students and sit for her Grade 12 National Examination today.
Roselyn Payagi, an elementary teacher from Pori local level government (LLG), left school in 1987 while, doing Grade 7 at Koroba High School (now secondary).
Since leaving school 32 years ago, she enrolled at the Pai Hope Centre in 2019 and did Grade 7.
She was among many other students Prime Minister James Marape greeted and spoke to last Friday at the Pai Hope Centre Hela.
When PM Marape asked her education background, she confidently told him.
Marape said she was an inspiration to others and urged others to enrol at Fode centres.
Hela education director Ronny Angu said: “Payagi is very smart, hardworking and a very determined person who believes only through education there is hope.
“She believes that education will bring changes to communities bombarded by law and order issues and contribute towards the socioeconomic development of the province.”
“This mother is a true champion; an inspiration and a role model to others who wants a second chance in education; Fode is now the right pathway for every Hela citizen.
Angu said Pori and Pai FODE centres in the electorate are mandated to offer open and distance learning pathway as an integral part of the national education system.
“These two centres have done very well, and we are aware of many of their successes and positive stories so far,” he said.