Help our people avoid prostitution


PROSTITUTION is a means of earning quick money, goods or services.
Prostitution has been practised for quite some time and it is going to remain.
Many are against it, but let us look closely at some of the issues driving people into the lifestyle.
Prostitution exists in almost all of our towns and cities.
Those involved are mostly women and girls.
Even married women are engaged in prostitution in order to survive.
What’s worse is when parents sell their underaged daughters just to make ends meet.
This is happening, and it is bad for a Christian nation such as Papua New Guinea.
One would agree with me that prostitution has always been here and is here to stay; be it in brothels, hotels and motels, villages, family homes or in the bush.
So, what can we do about it?
Is it necessary to deport foreign nationals implicated in prostitution and closing their business?
What about the impacts these would have on those employed by these foreign nationals?
Let’s look deeply into these problems and suggest ways in which we can minimise prostitution in the country.
The Government should build more agriculture colleges, vocational centres and ensure that our grade 10 school leavers continue their education and contribute towards developing our resources.
The Government should provide a five-year bank loan free guarantee for successful graduates with certificates to go into small businesses.
In doing so, we will create more employment opportunities and generate more revenue.
Once these loans are obtained, the borrower should be given five years free to start making money so he/she can repay the loan.
If other countries such as Malaysia can do this, why can’t PNG follow their footsteps?
Our Government should not sit and pretend that everything is okay.
It should not turn a blind eye on the future generations.
We should continue to build more national and provincial roads to open up PNG.
We should focus on agriculture and encourage our people to go back home and work their lands to earn a living.
The people of Papua New Guinea should consider these and start voting good leaders in the next national general elections.

Samson Napo,
Buang LLG,