High school in sorry state

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MOROBE administrator Max Brutan has confirmed that there is no money in the provincial accounts.
Brutan made the admission after a K400,000 cheque for two schools bounced in the banks.
The provincial government had issued cheques of K200,000 each to Nawaeb Lutheran Secondary School and Salamaua Provincial High School in March upon instructions by the Ombudsman Commission.
Brutan said for Salamaua High, the cheque was raised in December 2022 before the closure of the accounts and was presented this year in March in the presence of Ombudsman Commissioner Richard Pagen.
He said both schools could not access the monies due to lack of funds.
Brutan said the provincial government would now source the money from the K12.5 million school infrastructure grants.
“We will have the cheques replaced with money from the infrastructure grants,” he said.
Brutan also said a commitment made in March for a generator to be donated to Salamaua High remained outstanding.
Brutan said the provincial government would still honour this commitment.
In the meantime, Salamaua High continues to function without water, power and deteriorating dormitories. Headmaster Normal Apul said the school had to function with its inadequate infrastructure, food rations and teaching materials in order to educate their students.
Both staff and students have had to endure the conditions making the best of the current circumstances.