Historic heart operation

Health Watch

THE Port Moresby General Hospital (PMGH) has successfully completed the first patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) closure at the catheterisation laboratory (Cathlab), a doctor says.
Chief executive officer Dr Paki Molumi said PDA was a congenital heart condition usually corrected by open surgery.
He said PDA was a persistent opening between the two major blood vessels leading from the heart.
He said the opening (ductus arteriosus) was a normal part of a baby’s circulatory system in the womb that usually closed shortly after birth however if it remained open it was called PDA.
He said the surgery to correct the condition was usually done as part of the operation open heart programme with visiting Australian doctors and specialists.
“Now we can perform that procedure at the Cathlab,” he said.
“It avoids opening up the chest of a child and leaving scars.
“The procedure took fifteen minutes and with only sedation.
“Recovery time will be short, meaning short hospital stay.
“This is the first performed at the Kumul Petroleum National Heart Centre and achieved through the support of the Kumul Petroleum Holdings.” Dr Molumi thanked the Cathlab team which included doctors, nurses and technicians for this milestone achievement for the people and country.