HIV/AIDS critic slammed


I RESPOND to Tauna’s letter in The National on Dec 7 and his ill-informed and distorted view of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA).
From the letter, one can deduce Tauna to be an educated citizen.
Unfortunately that is the only good assumption (if you may call that a good thing) one gets from reading the letter.
The rest of the letter reveals Tauna’s ignorance and shallow mindedness.
Tauna failed to diligently gather facts and critically analyse a social issue from all aspects prior to writing a letter for public consumption.
Should one take the time to carefully scrutinise people living with this disease they will know that a majority of the PLWHA are honest, hard-working and upright citizens.
Not all of them have acquired HIV through their own fault.
Some children are unfortunate to have inherited it from their parents at birth. Many PLWHA have good jobs and contribute positively to nation building.
Not only that, they are also effective taxpayers and loyally contribute to the national income.
As a country, how do we respond to a social crisis like HIV/AIDS?
I support the national government’s approach to promote the distribution and use of condoms and maintain a good supply of the HIV treatment (ART) drugs in the country.
I salute Professor Glen Mola for getting it right in his letter in yesterday’s issue of The National.
Professor, there was a reason the only son of God, Jesus Christ, came to die for sinners like me and trigger-happy Christians like Tauna.
I hope and pray that Christians like Tauna can take their blinders off and look at the world through the lenses given to us through Jesus Christ our Saviour.

Kamao Yawalit