Holiday show to promote anthropology, archaelogy

Youth & Careers

The National Museum and Art Gallery’s school programme will help promote anthropology, archeology and similar fields which are often overlooked by students when choosing careers, principal education officer Patricia Sosori says.
She said nowadays students aspired careers that were popular and were not aware of other career paths that played a significant role in preserving important aspects of our society such as culture.
“We would like to use this opportunity to promote a career within the fields of archaeology and anthropology because these careers are not so famous and students tend to want to follow a career that has popularity,” Sosori said.
She said curators of different sections of the gallery were scheduled to talk to students for the duration of the programme and hoped that their presentations would motivate them to take up such careers in the future.
“The curators have specific areas that they look after so we would like to have these different people talk to students and motivate them to aspire to be like them,” Sosori said.
She said students in the previous programme had the privilege of listening to one of Papua New Guinea’s few archaeologists, Herman Mandui, who passed away last year.
“We had the only archeologist in the country that spoke to the students during the previous programme. It was a great loss to PNG and the museum. We were privilege to have him talk to us.”