Homemade guns a concern: Police


MOROBE police are concerned that villagers are beginning to make guns to use during fights.
Provincial police commander Chief Supt Augustine Wampe said officers had reported that number of homemade guns were used by two fighting groups in Yalu.
A man was gunned down on Monday and later hacked to pieces following a retaliatory raid on one of the villages.
Yalu is located in the Wampar Local Level Government in the Huon Gulf district of Morobe.
Wampe said the production and use of homemade guns had created more problems for the people and authorities.
“I am really concerned that people in the villages in Morobe are starting to use firearms to resolve conflicts,” Wampe said.
“This is a new trend. It is dangerous so we have to stop it.
“I warn those people manufacturing homemade guns to stop what they are doing because the law will find you and deal with you.”
Wampe urged youths not to bring to the village what they had learnt at the settlements in towns and cities.
He also advised village leaders to stop youths from making guns at home.
Wampe said the Government recently ordered a call-out of police and soldiers to Hela to recover illegal guns in the hands of warlords and tribal warriors.