How will the rural womenfolk gain?

Letters, Normal

I REFER to the letter “Reserved seats is gender inequality” (The National, May 27) by Paul Arutu.
I support the comments by the writer.
In addition to the points he raised, the proponents, advocates and the UN must tell us the experience of such a practice they know of in another country.
Did reserved seats make any difference in the development of that country?
What happens to the family unit?
I thought a woman plays an important role in the family.
This country will progress if we have good family units, not by creating extra seats in Parliament.
This bill must not be bulldozed through but needs more debates and maybe a public referendum.
How will the women in the rural areas benefit?
Whose interest is being served?
Many women prime ministers and presidents the world over did not get into Parliament as a result of reserved seats.
They competed against their male counterparts.
What we need is to ensure more girls go to schools and complete their education.
This is the all-important first step in gender equality. 


CM Wafimar’nn