Hundreds of girls get sanitary kits

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MORE than 100 girls from Erap Primary School in Wampar, Morobe, received sanitary kits to keep them in class.
The kits, called Meri’s Malo, reached the school at the request of teacher Cynthia Changau.
The female students were happy to receive the kits as it would help them stay in class and not miss their lessons.
Changau said she invited Lae-based Days for Girls programme after reading in the news about its Meri’s Malo for female students at Bowali Primary School last year.
“Bowali is in Lae, so the girls there had the advantage of getting such things,” she said.
“Here in Erap, we have girls coming out of the villages and settlements where life is very hard. Erap is a very big school and I saw that it’s a need for our children (girls). It’s a need because the school administration is spending to buy pads every now and again for the female students.
“During a meeting with Wendy Christie, the facilitator of the programme, I told her many of the girls are from villages and settlements.
“Most their parents are not working and cannot afford to buy pads because of other needs in the family.”
Christie said the programme was for the schools in Lae, and it was their first time to bring the awareness and educate girls on using Meri’s Malo outside of the city.