Hundreds of people turn up at second annual colour run

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HUNDREDS of people around the country took part in the second annual Islands Petroleum Colour Run on Sunday to raise funds.
The event was held in Kokopo, Kimbe, Port Moresby, Lae, Madang, Popondetta, Kavieng and Alotau.
In Kokopo, as early as 6am, adults and children dressed in white shirts started the run from Kalabond Stadium.
They passed numerous colour stations set up along Williams Road to Ralum Showground where the run ended.
Business houses and schools took part in the run and at Ralum, it was an array of colours as people gathered to watch performances before they retired.
Organisers said the turnout this year was bigger than last year.
Last year, the event raised K277,531.40 that was given to schools and hospitals to improve the standard of services.
Of this, K64,000 was given to Nonga General Hospital for establishment of the diabetic centre.
It also helped a safe house in Kokopo and Burnett Institute.
In Madang, more than K46,000 was raised, said Island Petroleum’s Madang branch manager Sahin Das.
“This fundraiser is for the buying of cervical cancer clinic equipment,” he said.
“We raised K41,528 during the Colour Run last year to construct the cervical clinic.
“We succeeded in building it and now we did it again to buy equipment for the clinic,”
In Port Moresby, more than 2000 people turned up for the event.
Funds raised this year will go towards Kaugere Clinic.
Moresby-South MP Justin Tkatchenko bought three cartons of T-shirts for people of his electorate.
Miss Pacific Island Pageant PNG contestant Florence Daple, who is sponsored by The Sanctuary Hotel Resort Spa, also took part in the 5km event.
The hotel with its 30 staff members, including general manager Bella Pang, took part in the morning of fun.