Hundreds stranded after bridge washed away

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A BRIDGE was washed away on Monday, cutting off road access between Banz, in North Waghi, Jiwaka, and the districts of Dei and Mul Baiyer, in Western Highlands.
The combined force from Angning creek and the Bongul creek at Bunum Wo washed away the Bunum Wo bridge which had two culverts.
Hundreds of commuters and farmers had to carry their cargo across for vehicles on the other side.
The road serves more than 50,000 people in North Waghi and Dei. They include four companies operating coffee plantations at Bunum Wo and Kimil, students attending high schools, secondary schools, primary schools, vocational schools, government
and church-run institutions.
Provincial civil engineer Thomas Max inspected the damage and said a bailey bridge would be built because culverts could not withstand the force of the currents.
“A culvert was washed away earlier. It was replaced by the two culverts recently. But both are now washed away,” he said.
“A new bailey bridge will cost around K1.5 million.”
Banz local level government manager Philip Amdi called on the provincial administration of Jiwaka and North Waghi to replace the bridge.
“This bridge is the lifeline of the people of Bunum Wo, Kimil, Kondopina, Kinjibi, Mala, Penda, Kotna and the plantations, schools, health facilities and churches and their establishments that exist there,” Amdi said.