Immigration officers in trouble

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SIX officers of the Immigration and Citizenship Authority (ICA) have been suspended as police investigate the misappropriation of more than K8 million in the 12 months to December last year.
Chief Migration Officer Stanis Hulahau told The National that a team made up of forensic auditors and officers from the police fraud unit were now conducting an audit into 2016, 2017 and 2018. “The K8 million loss is from December 2019 to December 2020,” Hulahau said.
“Forensic audit currently underway will uncover (missing funds from) 2016, 2017 and 2018.”
He confirmed that the six ICA officers have been interviewed by police – three were from the corporate service division and three from the visa and passport division.
“The three from the visa and passport division have been suspended and referred to police for allegedly engaging in misconduct concerning the processing of visa applications,” Hulahau said.
The three from the corporate service division have also been suspended and referred to the police.
Since taking up office this year, Hulahau has adopted a zero-tolerance policy as regards corrupt practices in the ICA.
He warned that any staff engaging in illegal conduct would face the consequences of their actions.
“This office does not belong to me but to the 8 million people of PNG,” he said. “We are all accountable to the taxpayers and people who conduct business with us.
“Our actions must not demean or bring disrepute to the best practices and integrity of the organisation.
“I encourage all (ICA) officers to uphold best business practices and the code of ethics governing their employment.”


  • Bravo, way to go Mr.Hulahu. I only wish we had more responsible individuals like you in all other government/public departments and institutions.
    Corruption is so endemic and ingrained in our public service systems that it will be a very tough task to weed it our overnight. I suggest the best solution now is to adopt a foward-looking approach with our young and upcoming generations.
    Educate them properly and instill in them the moral ethics and discipline which in turn will deter them from such corrupt practices so that when they enter the workplace they have a totally different and better mindset to what we are seeing today.

  • Excellent, bro do not give into treats and intimidation as it normally occurs in many instance..

    the good Lord is with you!

    You are doing fine and good PNGans should be in support of such a brave and conscious individual

  • Please set a precedent. Don’t give any chances to these selfish, corrupt stumbling blocks. Send them to jail.

    Then recruit and replace them with disciplined, responsible and God fearing young graduates with merit, who have a heart for this country and it’s people, and who will say no to corruption.

  • Doing an excellent job, Mr. Hulahau. That office has been corrupted and tainted for too long and its about time we have honest, right-thinking people like you stepping in to dig up the rot and expose ’em to the public!

  • Yes, that’s right & those are the kinds of people that get bribes from Asians. That’s why Asians throughout PNG are taking advantage of the law & are using PNGns as slaves & labourers in our country, PNG.

    Especially, in the retail & oil palm industries.

  • Can we just pass law to make them guilty and let them prove their innocence while serving prison time?
    Really sick of reading such stories routinely now.

  • Thank you Mr. Hulahau. I commend your action.
    Please continue the fight, identify more rotten officers in the ICA and remove them before they continue to infiltrate the young upcoming officers.
    Salute to you Mr. Hulahau.

  • A GOD fearing leader does not entertain corruption because its sin. Thank you Mr. HULAHAU for your tremendous and brilliant action. Its time for png to move on! corruption has held us back for a long time now and citizens are badly affected and denied the basic service the government provide for them!. The simple process seems to be more difficult! for example; applying for driving license here in lae almost takes me a year to get one when following the process, but my friend got his license overnight, and i was wondering how is it possible?, His answer is, ” tips made them work more faster and smatter than nothing, the officers want tips! you give them tips and they will work your problem out in no time. I shook my head.
    By the way i know many papua new guineans must also have gone through some kind of experience similar to my experience, and must have painted bad images on the governments public services offices and departments. But i want to tell you! all of us are innocent including the heads of the department( CEO, manager etc..) only a couple of old dogs who are working in there are taking advantage of the system and are practicing such unethical behavior, they will reap what they sow. Credit to the head of ICA and hope some other departmental heads should do the same with courage and heart for our country PNG. This practice is really killing our country! How can we break free from it and move on? The challenge is on every individual to make a stand to say no to such unwanted practice. Someone has to shed the light, thanks again to Mr HULAHAU.

  • Tax payers are sick and tired of reading stories regarding so called misappropriation in millions. Investigate thoroughly and establish sufficient evidence that warrant deterent prosecution. Put them behind bars, they deserve it.
    Full credit to the Chief Migration Officer Mr. Stanis Hulahau for his No Compromise stand against so called Corruption. This is the way going forward to realize the government’s Slogan of Taking Back PNG and declare PNG a Christian Country.
    We, tax payers want to see all government departmental heads must follow suit.

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