Include theology students for Hecas


THEOLOGY is the study of religion and religious belief.
In other words, it is the study of the Bible. The marvellous work of scholars and Bible professors who have taught pastors and priests in various institutions like Pacific Adventist University, Sonoma, Omaura, Lutheran seminaries, Pabrabuk Bible College and other seminaries deserve to be applauded for extending peace to our nation. Whilst tertiary students who have benefited from government scholarships through the Higher Education Contribution Assistance Scheme (Hecas) over the years, theology students have been overlooked by successive governments and even the current government. Pastors and ministers have truly changed the attitudes of people of all walks of life. They train people to be good citizens. Law and order problems can be smoothly dealt with if people go to church. At the church pastors will always be there to provide spiritual and mental guidance.
The tuitions fee for a student minister at SDA seminaries is around K12,000 a year. Such an amount can be subsidised by the Government if theology students are allowed to be listed on Hecas.
I think the Government must look into this and try and include theology students on Hecas. It is very important.

Justin Max
Kerendah Village