Independent judiciary vital


THE judiciary must always remain an independent body.
Corruption has taken root in the private sector, government departments, among political officials, law enforcement agencies, the military and in the informal sector as well.
There is no such thing as the complete eradication of corruption.
It can only be minimised.
Corruption is attached to our culture.
We put ethnicity, tribalism, wantoks and our immediate relatives first. On the other hand, one has to be paid to do a particular job. That is where we breed corruption.
The judiciary must remain neutral without compromising with the executive and legislative arms of government.
The only body that will protect democracy is the judiciary.
If it is found to have compromised with the executive, the legislature or citizens of the country then Papua New Guinea’s democracy is likely to fall.
My appeal is that the judiciary maintains its stand and remains a neutral body always.

Justin Max
Kuli Kombu