Indonesian governor ‘came through bush tracks’


AN Indonesian governor allegedly entered West Sepik illegally through a bush tracks along the border without observing PNG and Indonesian Covid-19 and immigration protocols, Covid-19 Controller David Manning says.
Manning, also the police commissioner, said Papua governor Lucas Enembe snuck across the border last Wednesday and it received wide publicity.
It was reported by CNN and Indonesian media as well.
But Comm Manning was unaware of Enembe and two of his officers spending two days in Vanimo.
Enembe told the Indonesian media that he snuck across on a motorbike to receive medical treatment at the Vanimo General Hospital, although there are reports that he met a PNG businessman in Vanimo and stayed two nights at the Golden Medallion International Hotel.
Comm Manning wants the Department of Foreign Affairs to provide a report on how Enembe illegally crossed the border without his approval when Covid-19, especially the dangerous UK strain, is spreading rapidly in Indonesia.
He is also concerned that Enembe had entered without the knowledge of PNG border officers.
Acting Foreign Affairs secretary Elias Wohengu is also unaware of Enembe’s illegal visit as he learnt about it through the Indonesian media.