Innocent people suffer as fighting forces key services to shut

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ABOUT 4000 people in the hinterlands of Finschhafen in Morobe have been missing out on government services because of tribal fighting.
The people of Gena, Nayalo, Pela, Gain, Guvu, Tireng and Besibong in the Hube local level government area, do not have schools, roads or aid posts.
This was revealed by Lutheran Pastor Viriru Gualin, of the Kulungtufu Parish in the Kotec district, who said the area’s only two primary schools had closed.
The recent graduate pastor, who was sent into the area six months ago, said the people were regressing in their living standards instead of progressing.
“Two primary schools have closed due to tribal fighting,” Gualin said.
“Innocent people are suffering due to tribal fighting, cult activities and lack of government services.
“There are no medical facilities in the area. The nearest health centre is about a day’s walk away.
“Most parts of Hube LLG still have bush tracks as the main road only links the Pindiu Station to the Wagizaring Health Centre from Gagidu.” Gualin said it was a sad state of affairs as historically the people of Hube were the pioneer missionaries who spread the word of God in the Highlands region.