Inquiry into Jan 11 Lae shootings

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ACTING assistant police commissioner, Northern, Chief Supt Chris Kunyanban says a commission of inquiry will still be carried out into the Jan 11 shootings in Lae.
He said the inquiry would cover all aspects that led to the shootings.
Kunyanban made this comment after relatives of some of those who were shot at and killed allegedly by police, raised concerns.
The shootings came about following the Black Wednesday event in Port Moresby on Jan 10 and it spilled over to Lae on Jan 11 when locals took to the streets and were trying to loot, destroy, steal and do other unlawful acts to business houses and individuals.
During the events that unfolded in Lae, police were assisted by PNG Defence Force and Correctional Services personnel to ensure lives and properties were safe.
“Those were the unfortunate situations that were faced,” Kunyanban said.
“I am blaming nobody here for what had happened, but it goes back to us as parents and adults, when such situations arise, there has to be control.”
Kunyanban said the situation then was triggered through social media when opportunists tried to go around trying to do their unlawful acts. “The Government has appointed personnel to carry out the inquiry when they are ready,” Kunyanban said.
He made this statement after a parent who claimed that his son was shot by police during that time and said the inquiry was taking so long to be conducted.
Alphonse Bob said he had been trying his best to get a post-mortem report for his late son, Alphonse Tembon, but was unsuccessful. “I do not know why the post-mortem report for my late son could not be given to me. I am also asking when the inquiry will be conducted into the shootings,” Bob said.
“It is four months now since the incident.”
He said authorities responsible should explain the delay, and claimed that his son was innocently killed at that time.