Inspectors receive K10mil to finish work


EDUCATION inspectors nationwide have received a total funding of K10 million to complete their work, Education Minister Jimmy Uguro says.
“The funding is for their travel, accommodation and other expenses to conduct teacher and school inspections,” Uguro said.
“Previously, they were given more than K10 million, but because of our country’s situation, K10 million is sufficient.
“So our inspectors have no excuse but with whatever little they get, they do their job to inspect teachers and schools to maintain our education standard.”
Meanwhile, teaching service commission chairman Samson Wangihomie, told the national rating conference that inspectors were “the eyes and ears” of the secretary.
“They go where the secretary cannot go and speak for the secretary on policy matters in meetings and conferences,” he said.
Wangihomie said there was a lack of inspection for the registration of new graduates.
“Many teachers, especially graduates, are yet to be registered and this is a concern,” he said.
“Another concern is that teachers who have been acting on positions for many years are not assessed for promotion.”
Wangihomie said there were many teachers “illegally” teaching with expired provisional teaching registration certificates or licence to teach and provisional admissions.
“These include graduates and teachers teaching in Tvet institutions and secondary schools with expired certificates,” he said.