Internet issue


THERE is a lot of stories in the newspaper about child molestation, rape and even kidnapping cases in Port Moresby and I think they are all linked one way or the other to the viewing of pornography.
Internet has been made available to everyone who has a smart phone, though there are some good aspects to using the internet for education purposes or to keep in touch with friends and family via social media the bad side is porn is easily accessible and if you don’t have a strong will or if you’re not a Christian you can easily fall into the habit of watching porn and give in to your temptation and do horrible things.
Now it’s estimated that approximately 1 million people are internet users out of our current population of 8 million but when the Coral Sea Cable comes on line by the end of this year internet costs will be drastically lowered and thus increasing internet users.
I am afraid that might also increase a lot of pornography related crimes.
Internet service providers (ISP) have to regulate these, they have to come up with algorithms that block porn sites but having said that ISPs are businesses their intent is to make money the honours are on every citizen of this beautiful country to take it upon themselves to abstain from watching explicit and mild content for the betterment of these nation.

Noel Ipu Tawa
Bachelor of Science UPNG (BSc)
Concerned citizen