Introduce food subsidy policy


FOOD subsidy must be introduced amid the surge in the Covid-19 pandemic.
Many people are jobless as a result of the effect of the pandemic.
Many organisations have scaled down operations.
Many casual and ancillary workers have been put off from work.
The increase in unemployment has put a strain on few individuals who are still employed.
The formal sector can no longer cater for the ever-increasing number of job seekers.
The few people that still have jobs are stressed out working to support the bulk of the unemployed population.
Increasing prices of basic food items such as rice, tinned fish and noodles is also placing a stain on people’s budget.
A food subsidy policy will at help our people.
A small research on prices of food and how it affects the citizens throughout the country will show an overwhelming support towards a food subsidy policy.
Many countries around the world have cheaper and affordable prices for basic food items.
I don’t know why it’s so difficult for our Government to do the same.

Maru Igabi

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