Introduce police negotiators


I WRITE in reference to Tuesday’s front page on police to review tactics in dealing with volatile situations.
It is about time the RPNGC introduce police negotiators in the constabulary to negotiate solutions between different ethnic groups or a group with police such as the one at Erima incident in Port Moresby.
The Police hierarchy should not look for distant solutions that will take lengthy outcomes.
Use our own policemen as negotiators, as they have negotiations skills as their main role.
Engagement of mobile squads and response units will lead to situations such as Erima.
Should there were police negotiators to deal with such situations as prerequisites before involving the mobile squads and response units, the two dead at Erima would still be alive.
Introduce Police negotiators in RPNGC before resorting to other solutions.
A citizen’s life is special and should be spared before losing it in another situation ahead.

Eye blo city