Investigate pay issue


EVERY teacher’s file and salary should be scrutinised before credited every fortnight to their bank accounts.
This is to avoid any misunderstanding with the Department of Education and relevant authorities.
A recent explanation by the Education Minister Joseph Yopyyopy surrounding teachers’ salaries is still unsatisfactory.
How could a teacher be paid on the correct salary scale but continue to see his or her salary reduced every fortnight? The removal of the Alesco Payroll system will eradicate discrepancies in teachers’ pay packages and a better investigation needs to be carried out.
The sofa-loving officers need to leave their comfort zones and visit provinces to interview and collect first-hand information regarding teachers’ salaries.
Related problems can be used to analyse, evaluate and correct everything rather than speaking out loud in the media, because some bureaucrat is saying something that is totally out of this world.
Why not take a flight away from Waigani and road trips to exact locations to hear what teachers are saying? Teacher’s salary problems is an ongoing issue expressed yearly by victims of the failed Alesco Payroll System.
If every teacher is correctly paid, than why is someone who had his or her RODSS entry done receiving K12?
This sort of revealing statement from teachers is unjust.
Responsible authorities in Waigani should be requesting for pay slips and relevant documents from teachers to see for themselves how teachers are affected.
Please refrain from telling teachers what the system is doing in Waigani.
Furthermore, the “My Pay slip Application” is not functional, meaning the inspectors are not aware of how to use this application to benefit teachers.
Whose responsibility is it to advice inspectors on how to collect and activate teacher’s personal information?
How will teachers access their pay history if the process to login is complicated and long?

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