IPA provides companies’ details


THE Investment Promotion Authority has submitted to the Commission of Inquiry into the Union Bank of Switzerland K3 billion loan deal details it needs on Total Exploration and Production Limited.
Managing director Clarence Hoot told The National that he was required to provided details of the company.
“This is in relation to the company Total Exploration and Production Limited, sometimes referred to as Total E and P Limited,” he said.
“It’s the same company but we need to get the clarification and confirmation from the registrar of companies by way of certificate of incorporation and annual returns.”
Hoot was directed by commission of inquiry chairman Sir Salamo Injia to provide a list of companies plus further information on Oil Search Limited and Oil Search PNG Limited.
Hoot said the authority was responsible for the registration and incorporation of all companies both local and international under the Companies Act.
He said foreign companies were required to undergo the Foreign Enterprise Certification Act process.
Hoot said the commission had requested the listings of companies involved in the International Petroleum Investment Corporation (IPIC) and UBS loans to establish whether they were registered to undertake these businesses.

One thought on “IPA provides companies’ details

  • When I hear or read these words “Investigation and commission of enquiry” I normally ask a question myself, who’s money are they going to use to investigate? Why does it takes so many years to complete investigation etc. and If any investigation is carried out by using tax payers money, I take it as so personal and start feeling sick, hurt and angry becos This is waste of tax payers money. May be I am wrong in saying this because government is doing something good but My fortnightly tax paid to the government is K373. 45 x 26 fortnights in a year is a pain and a burden I faced. Please provide me basic services like road linking to my village. I am sick and tired of commission of enquiry and investigation etc year after year using tax payers money. If the government is using its funding sourced from somewhere else is okay. But again, Png is not really interested in investigating out comes. We real need and want very basic services like roads connected to our villages. .please, government must stop using tax payers monies unnecessarily and provide us with road linking to our villages.

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