It’s official: Students pay 50t fare on PMVs


THE approved students’ bus fare is 50toea during school periods, according to PMV Association president Jack Waso.
“Every school students from elementary to secondary schools with school uniforms or identification cards can pay 50toea despite of distance as regulated by the Road Transport Authority and the Department of Transport,” Waso said.
He said the fare is applicable from Monday to Friday.
He said in Port Moresby, the National Capital District Commission was responsible to subsidise PMV fares for students residing in the capital city.
Waso said because the students’ parents are taxpayers to the city authority and the government administrative programmes, they were entitled to some benefits from the outcome of whatever services the government initiated.
On the other hand, PMV operators depended on the fares collected to pay for fuel and other vehicle parts,.
Waso said the operators of buses and taxis should be allowed to increase their fares because of the rise in the price of goods and services like fuel.
“This should help existing operators improve the quality of services by regularly cleaning their buses, replacing old seat covers or seats and or potentially replacing old buses with new ones,” he said.
Waso urged the government to intervene and take appropriate actions so together they could provide an efficient service that contributes to nation building.