K15m for Alotau provincial hospital redevelopment


PEOPLE in Milne Bay’s Alotau district are expected to have better access to health facilities and infrastructure as a result of a K15 million grant presented by Health minister Dr Lino Tom at the provincial headquarters on Monday.
The funding is for the redevelopment of the Alotau provincial hospital where Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) was signed by the chief executive officer of the Milne Bay Health Authority (MBPHA), Dr Perista Mamadi and Health secretary, Dr Osbourne Liko.
Present at the occasion were Milne Bay Governor Gordon Henry Wesley, the board and senior executive management of the MBPHA, Alotau MP Ricky Morris, other local members of the Provincial Government and partners of the health sector in the province.
Governor Wesley welcomed and acknowledged the health minister, health secretary and the delegation to the province and for giving the monies for health infrastructure redevelopment for the Alotau Hospital.
He said Alotau is one of the biggest districts in the country which stretches from one border to the other and health is a very important area that needs the government’s attention.
The secretary for health when acknowledging the MBPHA, said that the health authority serves as a role model to the other authorities.
“Through every level and every challenge, MBPHA seems to be the role model in what you do.
“The MoA are specifications and compliances according to the national health service standards and regulations on the buildings that will be constructed,” Liko said.
Moreover, the health minister highlighted the purpose of the funding and what it is intended for and told everyone that the MoA signed will be used to facilitate and help develop health service in the province.