K50,000 to help kick off suburban soccer, says official


NATIONAL Capital District Governor Powes Parkop has assured Port Moresby Suburban Soccer organisers that he will honour his commitment of K50,000 for the tournament, says an official.
Tournament director Gibson Kinau said the event had been delayed for two years. “But with the governor’s help, we have decided to kick off the tournament,” he said.
“We will settle the 2018 prizes for the men and women’s divisions.
“In 2018, we made a mock presentation to men’s winners Yangers and runners-up Nikints, and women’s winners Nine City United and runners-up Nikints.
“The third and fourth prizes will be presented at the same time before the tournament kicks off.
“We’re appealing to those teams that finished first, second, third and fourth to come and receive their prizes. The governor made the commitment in 2018 but he was busy with international events and other commitments so he didn’t show up.
“But this year, the governor has assured us that he will honour his commitment.”
Kinau said teams interested to compete in the upcoming tournament were advised to pick up registration forms from the tournament organisers.
For more information, contact president Jerry Iniga (73953364) or Kinau (71892318).