K66m to update electoral roll

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ELECTORAL Commissioner Patilias Gamato says the electoral roll updating exercise is expected to cost around K66 million – much less than the initial budget of around K192 million.
“Because of the financial situation the country is facing, the Government urged us to revise the budget. I brought it down to about K66 million. And that’s working very tight,” Gamato said.
“Some of the activities we have to really tighten and cut some areas as well. So the memorandum of understanding we have with the provinces is very important to enhance the success of the roll updating exercise in these provinces to ensure a fair election in 2017.”
Under the memorandum, provincial governments will support the Electoral Commission in meeting some of the costs.
“We signed up with 18 provinces. New Ireland, Western and Gulf are talking to us so we will have them completed.”
Gamato said Central had committed K400,000 to assist.
“I’ve got indication from Western Highlands to support with K500,000, East New Britain committed K300,000, Oro has indicated to support but they haven’t disclosed the figure.
“I think if the provincial, district and local level governments are committed in supporting us, then we can reduce the cost and have it implemented before January 2017.”
The three provinces chosen to pilot the roll-updating exercise are Central, East New Britain and Milne Bay. Gamato said after the launch in Rigo, Central, two levels of training were conducted.
“The first level training is for LLG supervisors from July 21 to 22. The second level is the training for enrolment agents conducted from August 10 to 11 in Rigo.
“Yesterday (last Thursday), our programme agents started the enrolment exercise at Irupara Village in Hula.
“From August 22 to 25, a workshop on election managers and assistant election managers will be conducted in Lae.”