Kagamuga’s maintenance work on runway complete


THE National Airports Corporation (NAC) has announced the completion of the runway pavement strengthening works at Mt Hagen’s Kagamuga airport in Western Highlands.
Acting managing director and chief executive officer Ephraim Wasem said the upgrade was much needed as Kagamuga was a vital link to the other provinces in the upper Highlands region.
“This work forms part of the current aircraft pavement strengthening, new air traffic control tower and associated works project under the Civil Aviation Development Programme (Cadip) which is being implemented by NAC,” he said. “The completion of this works will now give a much needed boost to the airport as the nation recuperates from the impact of Covid-19.”
Wasem said the upgrading and repair of the pavement was needed to ensure the longevity of the runway.
The work was funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) with counterpart funding from the national government.
Wasem said the ongoing improvement at Kagamuga was part of the NAC’s objective to ensure that all the 22 national airports in PNG operated in secure aerodrome environments that were compliant to international and domestic aviation rules.